
What Should I Cook for Dinner?!

Most people who are serious about weight loss, and improving their metabolic and cardiovascular health will eventually try following a specific diet with the intention of improving their health. However, as soon as they begin their quest to discover the "best diet," they are left even more confused. If you google search a diet for weight loss, you will find so much conflicting advice. Some will push a vegan diet, claiming that animal products will cause obesity and cholesterol issues. Others will inform you that all carbohydrates are the enemy, and you should definitely try a high-fat ketogenic approach. And then there are those who eat whatever they wish and swear by intermittent fasting. The list of fad diets and trends seems never-ending - Atkins, carnivore, pescetarian, Whole30, Paleo, vegetarian. People often feel more confused about food than any other health-related topic because of all of the conflicting guidance. Where do we even start? And how do we reach our health goals...

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Fasting- The Good, The Bad, and The Science

lifestyle medicine Nov 16, 2022
Fasting has been a tool used by many for health reasons as well as spiritual reasons for decades. As a coach, I have come across many patients who love using tools such as intermittent fasting to reach their goals. However, it’s hard for me to not reason an eyebrow when I hear of people using fasting as a way to counteract poor daily dietary choices. Just as many try to use exercise to “burn off“ their diet choices that day, I have seen some use fasting as a way to counteract a diet rich in calorically-dense junk foods. Not only does this sabotage weight loss goals, but this also has negative health consequences. This approach will lead to decreased intake of micronutrients, and phytonutrients, and nourishing our bodies with foods required to function at our best. Intermittent fasting can be a great way to improve blood sugars, boost immune function, enhance cognitive function, improve digestion, and stabilize blood sugars when done properly. However, fasting is...
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Nourishment Made Simple

lifestyle medicine Nov 16, 2022

 With the plethora of knowledge out there regarding diet trends, nutrition plans, and fad diet culture, it can be hard to know what the right path is for you and your specific nutrition needs. Many left to their own devices will try to count calories or macronutrients in an attempt to lose weight. When we begin to associate numbers with food or fixate strictly on weight loss, we rob ourselves of countless opportunities to nourish our bodies at the cellular level and to prevent chronic illness down the line.


So you might be wondering what is the best way to structure my plate and plan for my meals in order to optimize my health while also not sabotaging my weight loss goals. This is where the concept of eating a rainbow a day can come into play, with an individualized approach. Colorful, non-starchy vegetables contain plenty of fiber that will keep us full as well as balance blood sugars when consuming carbohydrates with a meal. Colorful plants also contain chemicals...

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How Group Coaching Visits are Transforming Patient Outcomes

lifestyle medicine Nov 16, 2022

Something powerfully transformative happens when people with a shared goal in mind come together and work toward reaching it as a group. Health coaching group visits have proven to be an important and effective way to improve patient outcomes. These visits provide a safe and non-judgemental space for people to come together and share their experiences, gain support from others, and find new ways to heal. These practices help foster community by bringing people together in a shared goal of improving mental and physical health. We know that humans are not wired to do life alone and have the opportunity of creating a shared space.

Our mind-body medicine group visits include tools to overcome trauma, restore balance to the autonomic nervous system, and promote mindfulness, and self-awareness. Our patients have been able to improve resiliency and even metabolic/immune function through learning breath work, meditation techniques, and even Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Processing emotions is...

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The Art of Listening to Your Body: The Autonomic Nervous System

lifestyle medicine Nov 15, 2022

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for controlling our bodily functions that happen automatically, such as digestion, breathing, and heart rate. It also plays a role in the fight or flight response through the sympathetic nervous system and the rest and digest response through the parasympathetic nervous system. It is important for us to know the difference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic states of the nervous system so that we can know the signs of nervous system imbalance and make adjustments as needed.

If we ignore signs our body is sending us, we may experience unpleasant physical symptoms or prolong a health flareup. We can make it a practice to periodically take a pause and check in with our body- We may notice tension in our shoulders, holding our breath, or our heart racing when we spend a little too much time in the sympathetic state, or fight or flight mode. Ideally, we should take this as information from our body, signaling that we may need to take a...

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Improve your Vital Signs Through Powerful Mind-Body Medicine Techiniques

lifestyle medicine Nov 15, 2022

Mind-body medicine consists of a body of work that promotes mental, emotional, and physical healing in the midst of an ever-changing environment through tools that encourage self-awareness. Mind-body medicine tools are not only proven to improve mental health but are shown to have strong physical health benefits. One major practice that has been adopted worldwide, due to its various known benefits is autogenic and biofeedback training. Through autogenic training, also known as self-hypnosis, individuals can gain control over their physiological responses by using mental techniques to improve physical health and well-being. Biofeedback uses devices to monitor various bodily functions like heart rate and skin temperature, helping individuals learn how to control these processes through conscious awareness.


Both autogenic training and biofeedback provide many benefits to those who practice them. Autogenic training (AT) has even been adopted worldwide. For example, both NASA and...

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Gut Brain Connection 101

lifestyle medicine Nov 14, 2022

If you have ever experienced or are experiencing chronic digestive issues, you know how challenging they can be to overcome and how much they can impact your everyday life. Not only do digestive issues cause physical symptoms such as bloating, pain, nausea, diarrhea, or constipation but they can also lead to a change in mood or mental state. We know how connected the gut is to our brain, so much so that we call it the second brain. Therefore, it's no surprise that when we experience digestive issues, we may feel more anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, irritability, and sometimes even depression. This may be due to real physiological changes in the gut and brain as well as the mental stress that comes with managing digestive issues. Dealing with chronic gut issues can in some cases lead to the cessation of engaging in regular activities due to fear of not having access to a restroom or the inability to eat out due to food restrictions. The good news is that there are healing tools that can...

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Impactful Ways to Start your Day

lifestyle medicine Nov 14, 2022

The attitude and mindset  that we have going into each day is so important. We know how detrimental stress is to the body, so it is vital to create a routine can help us to better manage stress and increases mental wellness. Though we may have days where we have to frantically rush out the door and stop for coffee on the way, it may be best for our mental and physical health to start the day with self awareness and intention. Here are a few tips to create a morning routine to boost productivity, mindfulness, and wellness!


Define, Write, and Review your ‘Why’

When we are not operating in a way that is compatible with our values, we rob ourselves of authentic growth. Imagine this - you wake up feeling excited to tackle the day, as you are expecting to witness amazing things happen before your eyes. You look forward to impacting the lives of those around you in a positive way. You are content. Sure, you may have an off day but it does not derail you. Why?...

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The Importance of a Circadian Rhythm Diet for Sleep and Brain Health

lifestyle medicine Nov 08, 2022

Getting enough quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, and recent research has shown that following a circadian rhythm diet can greatly improve our sleep. Our bodies have an internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, which regulates important bodily functions

In a society that often prioritizes success, achievement, and work over rest, it is no wonder that many are operating in a state of total burn out. Most of us have a lot going on between work, family life, chores, hobbies, etc. However, the negative health consequences sleep deprivation imposes on the brain and body have pushed us to discuss the importance of prioritizing quality sleep.

Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for maintaining overall brain health. If you have ever struggled with sleep, you know how important it is to cognitive performance. Many with sleep issues suffer from irritating brain fog, memory issues, and difficulty focusing. It is important to take action and prioritize sleep...

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Our Services at Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine

lifestyle medicine Nov 08, 2022

Why are we unique? We join forces with medical communities that have the same vision as us: to help patients on their way to recovery, with a personal and integrative approach.We think that everybody should have access to nutritious food, wellness education, efficient natural healing tools, community support,... all of which are shown to impact chronic illness favorably. Our patients want to get better through lifestyle changes and natural methods instead of being completely dependent on medicine prescribed by doctors.


Our services have proven to significantly improve health outcomes of those suffering from metabolic diseases, diabetes, autoimmunity, cancer, brain and neurological diseases, sleep disorders, digestive issues, hormone imbalances, and more.


The provided virtual and in-person group opportunities are open to all, as we collaborate with other primary care physicians who refer patients to our services. 

Don’t have a PCP? We can provide you with...

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